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Sofia Wilkman:

Taiteeni on kerännyt vaikutteita länsimaiselta abstraktilta imspressionismilta ja itämaiselta taiteelta. Töissäni voi nähdä mielen tuntemuksia, ei varsinaisesti tunteita. Ulkoinen tila, luonto toimii usein luovuuden katalysaattorina.  Koen itseni monessa mielessä pohjoisen taiteilijana. Värimaailmani ja ilmaisuni on askeettista.



Sofia Wilkman’s paintings display eastern influences. The paintings are usually abstract impressions with graphic elements on the colour field. The artist is in dialogue with the tradition of abstract painting and different layers of paint cover the whole surface of the canvas…. It is nevertheless difficult to define her works; they seem to hover between figurative and non- figurative, but always escaping the definition.

Marja Sakari

From the catalogue Rooms of Light, Tartu Art House,
Estonia 2019. Tartu Artists’ Union and authors.


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